Friday, August 5, 2011

You Have 30 Seconds...!

So your house in on fire…you have 30 seconds to grab what you can before you have to run outside. What do you grab??? Do you grab useful things, valuable things, or keepsakes? Well I found this website and it is interesting to see what an individual would grab with limited time…What would you save?

I will compose my picture of things soon :)

New goal:

Blog at least for 5 minutes everyday...

I want to have something to share/look back upon/keep good ideas in one spot and since it is easier to put pictures on a blog rather than in a journal...a new blog promise has been born :)

Also, now that I am an official teacher with a classroom, key, teaching partner, and teacher dreams, I want to put cool ideas :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I've never missed you more than I do right now...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Song :)

Well Gretchen,

Since I'm pretty sure you are the only one who reads is a new song that I love!

Andrew Allen: Loving you Tonight

Check it out!

Can't wait to see you in a week!

Monday, April 4, 2011


I have decided that I am 1/4 8 years old, 1/2 21 years old, and 1/4 89 years old.

My young 8 year old self comes out when I want to do something fun, like race my sister to the car, pedel really fast on the carts and skate through the grocery aisles, or eat ice cream for dinner.

My 21 year old self, does the grown up things she needs to, CAN eat ice cream for dinner, can do crazy fun pranks on friends, or take road trips with sisters/friends.

And now my 89 year old self. Well I knit (not nearly as well as my younger or older sister but I can whip out a pretty mean scarf :) I am planning on learning to sew sweet things for my niece (again not as good as my older and younger sister or amazing mama!) I love to garden, go to the farmers market and then can, dry, and preserve yummy foods for the winter like in Little House on the Prairie. But the most grandma-ish thing that I do...I do puzzles. And not only do I do puzzles, but my friend and I (Amanda) FRAME OUR PUZZLES AND HANG THEM AROUND THE HOUSE!!! We have accomplished three puzzles, framed them, and hung them around the house. Even more impressive, our photomosaic Van Gogh Starry Night puzzle (Wicked hard by the way!!!) we hung a museum light above it!

But onto the reason for this post:

I started a new puzzle, a 1000 piece puzzle, and my table is too small. I need a new puzzle table. A big one, with a wide smooth space, so that I can do my grandma-ish puzzles without worrying about pieces falling off the sides (which occurs often). So when I have my own place, I may possibly have a puzzle room, or at least, just an awesome puzzle table :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stop Waiting

It is important to enjoy the moment in your life that you are in. This is something that I will never master, just continue to work on for my life! Being content is so hard, we are constantly being told by that if you just get that promotion, that car, that job, that amount of money, you will be happy. But that is not true, not in the least. Being content is about being happy with what you have, where you are at, and who you are with. It doesn't mean you have to be set with what have, you can still work hard and want to do better in your life.

Also, nothing, nada, nilch, zero (except for Jesus) is waiting for perfect in the world is a forever game.

I think I should get this verse tattooed on my arm so that I don't forget it! Or maybe just on my foot...ideas? Or i could just be chill and make it as a poster and put it on my door...but that is too easy!

Well as Glozel says 'over and out!'

Monday, March 21, 2011

No matter how old, busy, or grown up I get...

I hope I never forget to drop what I do and do something fun. To think of something that would be "yumbo in my tumbo" (credit to Amanda Lacey Bates' French Teacher :)and to run across town and get it (aka Greek Fries...if you haven't had any, get some ASAP!!! :) Even after getting those delicious fries, to drive aimlessly to find The Castle (Stadium High School) and look at the beauty of a building, out of place in Downtown Tacoma, yet seamlessly still fitting for the area. Even though I have work to do, lessons to plan, papers to correct, papers to write, laundry to do, or whatever else this life demands of me, I pray that no matter how old I get, no matter how busy I am, no matter how 'grown up' I am, I will every once-in-a-while (hopefully more often than not) drop it all and be spontaneous, adventurous, or whatever the heck I want to be other than a robot to a demanding culture.