Monday, April 4, 2011


I have decided that I am 1/4 8 years old, 1/2 21 years old, and 1/4 89 years old.

My young 8 year old self comes out when I want to do something fun, like race my sister to the car, pedel really fast on the carts and skate through the grocery aisles, or eat ice cream for dinner.

My 21 year old self, does the grown up things she needs to, CAN eat ice cream for dinner, can do crazy fun pranks on friends, or take road trips with sisters/friends.

And now my 89 year old self. Well I knit (not nearly as well as my younger or older sister but I can whip out a pretty mean scarf :) I am planning on learning to sew sweet things for my niece (again not as good as my older and younger sister or amazing mama!) I love to garden, go to the farmers market and then can, dry, and preserve yummy foods for the winter like in Little House on the Prairie. But the most grandma-ish thing that I do...I do puzzles. And not only do I do puzzles, but my friend and I (Amanda) FRAME OUR PUZZLES AND HANG THEM AROUND THE HOUSE!!! We have accomplished three puzzles, framed them, and hung them around the house. Even more impressive, our photomosaic Van Gogh Starry Night puzzle (Wicked hard by the way!!!) we hung a museum light above it!

But onto the reason for this post:

I started a new puzzle, a 1000 piece puzzle, and my table is too small. I need a new puzzle table. A big one, with a wide smooth space, so that I can do my grandma-ish puzzles without worrying about pieces falling off the sides (which occurs often). So when I have my own place, I may possibly have a puzzle room, or at least, just an awesome puzzle table :)